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🛠 Skills & Tools

The following is a list of some skills and tools I have knowledge in and am experienced with:

Python C Java CPP JavaScript TypeScript HTML CSS C# Go .Net Swift Kotlin PHP Ruby R SpringBoot MySQL SQLite Git Markdown Jekyl LaTex JSON Powershell WindowsCommand Junit React Bootstrap AngularJS VueJS NodeJS Redux NPM ExpressJS jQuery Jest Tensorflow Keras Sickitlearn Scipy Numpy Pandas PyTorch OpenCV Django Flask Conda CMake Apache Maven OpenGL Apache Ansible TravisCI Postman GitHub GitLab Firebase Android IoS Docker Tmux UE Jupyter MongoDB Arduino RaspberryPi Windows Ubuntu Kali Mint VS Atom Eclipse PyCharm Collab PHPStorm VIM IntelliJ Spyder CLion AndroidStudio Webstorm Overleaf Office Excel Powerpoint Word Trello Sheets Figma InVision Sketch Canva Gimp Slack Discord Zoom GoogleMeet MicrosoftTeam GoogleAnalytics

I am yet to find enough badges and time for listing all the skills and tools I have learnt and am learning more every day.